
New Proofs for the Existence of God: Contributions of Contemporary Physics and Philosophy is unavailable, but you can change that!

Responding to contemporary popular atheism, Robert J. Spitzer’s New Proofs for the Existence of God examines the considerable evidence for God and creation that has come to light from physics and philosophy during the last 40 years. An expert in diverse areas, including theology, physics, metaphysics, and ethics, Spitzer offers in this text the most contemporary, complete, and integrated approach...

“classical” (meaning “non-quantum”) form. For an exceedingly brief era right at the big bang, however, within a so-called “Planck time” of the big bang, it is known that a classical description of gravity does not suffice. (A Planck time is 10-43 seconds.) The mass densities during this “Planck era” would have been so large that quantum gravity effects would have been important and the mathematics of classical General Relativity would therefore not be adequate to describe them. What is needed to describe physics
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